Being in the beautiful United Kingdom, it’s inevitable that there’s a reasonable chance your session could turn wet. As an outdoor photographer, this always presents me with a challenge. Should we go ahead anyway? will the kids be cold? is it what the family really want? Before your session I’ll be keeping a close eye on the weather and if it looks like there’s a chance of rain then i’ll be in touch to discuss the options. However, generally speaking, we can do one of three things …
1. Go ahead as planned. I love nice weather but i’m no stranger to working in the rain. All of my kit is fully weather sealed and I’m happy to get wet. Please don’t think that because it’s raining you won’t get beautiful images, you will!! In fact, using props such as puddles & umbrellas we can achieve some fantastically fun and quirky photographs that simply would not be possible on a sunny day. If we go for this option then i’ll make sure to bring some brollies and towels, and i’d recommend you pack a change of clothing too.
2. Go ahead but change location. Maybe you like the thought of a wet and wild photoshoot, taking in all of the splashes and reflections the rain can offer, but we decided on a particularly open and un-sheltered location. In this situation I may recommend switching to a location that offers us a little more protection from the elements. Of course, if we opt for this then i’ll discuss possible alternatives with you and make sure it’s still a location that will offer you the style of images you’re looking to achieve.
3. Rearrange the session. Wherever possible, I try not to postpone sessions. I know it can be tough for families to arrange for everyone to be available at the same time and that you often make special arrangements in advance of your photoshoot. However, if there isn’t a suitably sheltered location, or getting wet just isn’t your thing then it may be best to postpone your session. Of course, if the weather is extreme (heavy snow, thunderstorms etc) then we may be left with no option … your safety and enjoyment always comes first.

So, there you have it. A 3 options guide to what happens when it rains. Please don’t let the possibility of rain put you off booking your session – in every eventuality i’ll always work with you to create images you’ll love and treasure.