Thankyou for your interest in shooting with Simon Tickle Photography.

Please read through & complete this contract accurately & fully, and then sign and submit BEFORE your session takes place.  If you experience any problems or have any queries just let me know.

The full terms and conditions for your booking can be found here:  Booking-Terms-Conditions
The full privacy policy for your booking can be found here: Privacy Policy


    Your Full Name (required)

    Contact Email (required)

    Contact Phone number (required)




    - Images edited and enhanced for best results (does not include manipulation)
    - Online viewing gallery to review your proof images
    - Copies of the high resolution digital images via download

    Location for session:-
    Boxing Venue - Date & Time as agreed


    About the people being photographed

    Person 1: (required)
    Full Name
    Age / DOB if under 18

    Person 2:
    Full Name
    Age / DOB if under 18

    Person 3:
    Full Name
    Age / DOB if under 18

    Person 4:
    Full Name
    Age / DOB if under 18

    Person 5:
    Full Name
    Age / DOB if under 18


    Acceptance of terms and conditions

    We will use your personal information to fulfil the services offered to you in this contract. By signing below you confirm you have read our privacy policy and agree to your personal information being processed in this way.

    I agree that images from this session may be used to aid the general promotion of Simon Tickle Photography as outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

    I agree that I am happy to receive occasional emails and marketing information from Simon Tickle Photography

    Signature (required)