The Urban Child – Kids Photographer in Mansfield

It's fair to say that this session had been a long time in the planning. E is an incredible child model, and his Mum had first contacted me about arranging a session back at the start of 2017. With one thing or another, we just didn't have much luck in finding a suitable opportunity [...]

The Urban Child – Kids Photographer in Mansfield2018-02-13T20:17:22+01:00

Colour or Black and White? When and Why

If you've been looking at my online photography portfolio you may notice that there's a variety of images presented in both Black and White AND Colour. Some photographers choose only to provide images in monochrome whilst others build a name for themselves on the basis of providing only colour images. For me however, the [...]

Colour or Black and White? When and Why2017-05-25T14:24:48+01:00
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