5 places to take the family in Mansfield & Nottingham

Finding new places to take the kids during the summer holidays is never easy, and you often end up spending time driving somewhere miles away when there are in fact loads of incredible places right on your door step. So, here's 5 places I think you should visit around Mansfield & Nottingham. -1-  Newstead [...]

5 places to take the family in Mansfield & Nottingham2017-07-05T20:56:31+01:00

Colour or Black and White? When and Why

If you've been looking at my online photography portfolio you may notice that there's a variety of images presented in both Black and White AND Colour. Some photographers choose only to provide images in monochrome whilst others build a name for themselves on the basis of providing only colour images. For me however, the [...]

Colour or Black and White? When and Why2017-05-25T14:24:48+01:00

Where should I print my photos? A photographer’s review

I’m often asked where is the best place to print photos! Those of you who have taken the time to read through my pricing, or indeed have been lucky enough to experience a photo session with myself, will be aware that I do not offer the option to purchase individual loose prints. Instead, I offer [...]

Where should I print my photos? A photographer’s review2017-03-17T20:40:46+01:00

Wall Art or Digital Media … which should I buy?

One of the most popular questions I get asked during photo viewings is whether I would recommend printed media or digital media. For example, should someone purchase an album / piece of wall art or the digital files to store on their computer and get printed when needed? Well, the short answer for those bored [...]

Wall Art or Digital Media … which should I buy?2017-03-17T18:27:26+01:00
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